“The Unstoppable Journey of a Dalmatian Rescue: From Meat Trade to a Life of Love and Growth”

Emma Roo, a charming Dalmatian dog that had suffered from the dog meat trade in China, found a new lease on life after being rescued. Despite having only two legs, she was able to make the most out of her second chance at happiness. In 2017, Emma was found at a local slaughterhouse in Xi’An when she was approximately 8 weeks old. Her grotesque injuries, including missing front legs, cut-off ear tips, and a shortened tail, revealed that she had been severely mistreated. Luckily, Emma was rescued and brought to a veterinary clinic in Beijing, where she received the medical attention required for her recuperation.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

Upon conducting an examination, medical professionals discovered that the young girl had a hind leg defect and was also missing some of her fingers, indicating that she may have been intended for slaughter. Shockingly, those involved in the trade of dog meat believe that amputating the limbs of animals prior to sale without administering anesthesia results in the production of adrenaline, which they argue makes the meat softer and thus enhances its quality for consumers.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

Emma, a young girl, was placed under foster care but, sadly, after two years, she was returned to the clinic. In 2019, a group of rescuers sought assistance from Dalmatian Rescue, a non-profit organization situated in South Florida, USA, to provide Emma with a better life. This was due to the fact that dog adoptions are more common abroad than in China.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

On the 20th of April 2020, Emma made her way to the United States right before the prohibition of animal exportations due to the Covid-19 pandemic. During her stay at the organization’s premises, the volunteers took it upon themselves to spread Emma’s tale via social media platforms with the aim of securing a new home for her.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

Misha Rackcliff Hunt, a young woman of 27, stumbled upon a post online featuring Emma, the adorable three-year-old pooch, and instantly fell head over heels for her. With a strong desire to extend her helping hand, she made a decision to adopt Emma and took her along to Charleston, South Carolina.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

According to Misha, who spoke with the Daily Mail, it is evident that Emma’s wounds were inflicted by humans due to their nature. It seems that this is a common practice when it comes to dismembering and torturing rare breeds. Despite all the challenges Emma has faced, Misha is doing her best to ensure that she can enjoy a normal life and feel good. However, Emma still experiences psychological complications as a result of the terror and mistreatment she has endured multiple times in this terrible place.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

According to Micha, Emma had a fear of loud noises such as chainsaws, hair dryers, vacuums, and lawnmowers. When he first brought her home, she would scream whenever she left the room. She was also very protective of her food and toys, even going so far as to keep random pieces of clothing for fear they would be taken away from her.

Additionally, Emma was suspicious of men, which led Micha to hire a male therapist in an attempt to change her behavior. To his delight, it worked and Emma’s fear and suspicion began to subside.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

Misha reminisced about the moment she stumbled upon Emma’s photo on the internet, instantly drawn to her gorgeous eyes and knowing that she was the one for her. The thought of all the legal procedures necessary to adopt Emma didn’t even cross her mind at the time – all she knew was that she wanted to become her loving mother.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

Misha shared that upon meeting the dog, he initially thought she was unapproachable due to past experiences. However, to his surprise, the dog immediately came to him and formed a strong bond. This led Misha to believe that the dog knew he was her forever home. To enhance her life, Misha collaborated with Dalmatian Rescue in a fundraising initiative to acquire a customized wheeled cart for the dog.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

Furthermore, Emma was appointed as an ambassador for Joey’s PAW organization, which supported her cause and connected Misha with Derrick Campana from Bionic Pets. Thanks to them, Emma received custom prostheses that have improved her quality of life. Although her rehabilitation is ongoing, Emma is doing well and enjoys a weekly bath, making her happier than ever.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

In the past, Emma had trust issues with people and would keep her belongings hidden. However, her mindset has changed as she now enjoys building connections with new individuals and has amassed a following of more than 13,000 people on Instagram.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

Emma is facing some difficulties in managing her prosthetics and strolling due to her body posture, but the therapies she’s undergoing are proving beneficial. She has developed a playful nature and enjoys indulging in activities like playing with balls and stuffed toys. Additionally, she even interacts with other dogs in the park.

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He has developed a keen interest in swimming and the beach has become his go-to destination. The vastness of the sea offers him an opportunity to explore and discover new things. According to Micha, the sandy shores provide the perfect playground for him to run around and enjoy himself. Her heart was filled with emotions when she saw the immense happiness that he felt while playing on the beach.

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Misha and Emma are utilizing their online influence to raise awareness about the ongoing issue of the dog meat trade. They are drawing attention to events such as the Yulin Dog Meat Festival, which serves as a grim reminder that this trade still persists. This annual festival leads to the tragic deaths of approximately 10,000 animals.

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