Adorable Olive with Crazy Peepers: The Feline Rescued with Love

Crazy Eyes Olive, the adorable feline who was saved, is simply too charming to describe.

For those of us who adore feline friends, it’s hard not to have a soft spot for the charming tabby cat. These striped and swirled kitties are known for their friendly and lovable personalities, and nearly every cat lover has experienced a tabby cat leaving an indelible paw print on their heart. One such tabby cat is Crazy Eyes Olive, who didn’t have the easiest start in life. Fortunately, she now has a devoted human who adores her, and we are lucky enough to get a glimpse into her life through social media. Without further ado, meet the lovely Crazy Eyes Olive!

As per Michelle Traynor, the fortunate Olive managed to survive a hazardous situation. When she was found, she was unaccompanied, stuck in tree sap, and severely ill. To nurse Olive back to health, a series of baths and medications were necessary until she was fit enough to join Michelle’s family.

Take a glance at her adorable countenance! Olive with those wild eyes, you’re stunning in my opinion!

According to Olive’s Instagram, she enjoys a good snooze, and judging by her well-rested appearance, she definitely gets plenty of beauty sleep. When she’s not busy posing for the camera, she lives an exciting and fulfilling life.

People often wonder if this adorable cat can see properly, but her owner assures us that she can see fairly well despite her unique appearance. Although she has an overbite due to an underdeveloped jaw, Olive manages just fine. While she may be a bit shy, she loves to snuggle under blankets. Here’s a photo of Olive as a kitten when she first arrived at her home with Michelle in New York.

Are you obsessed with this charming cross-eyed cutie pie? Don’t fret! You can get your daily dose of her natural adorableness by following Olive on Instagram. Her witty and inspiring captions will also leave you in awe!

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