A Loving Pit Bull Pelted With Stones By Children Craving Attention

Buddha, the pit bull, found himself taking cover behind trash cans as a group of children threw stones at him. What’s heartbreaking is that he was only trying to be friendly when he was attacked. Sadly, the poor dog sustained injuries from the ordeal. Thankfully, a rescue organization called Hope For Paws came to his aid in Los Angeles, California. However, when they attempted to approach him, Buddha was scared and disoriented.

The footage showcases the hesitant nature of Buddha, who longs to reveal himself but his anxiety holds him back. On the other hand, the pit bull was a victim of malnutrition after spending a considerable portion of his life on the streets; nonetheless, he couldn’t resist the lure of an appetizing burger that the rescuers offered him.

After ensuring Buddha’s safety, the dog gratefully leaned on the driver’s shoulder during the journey to the rescue center. It was a heart-warming display of gratitude and trust.

Numerous individuals hold the belief that certain types of dogs are considered “risky.” However, Buddha challenged this notion by opting to conceal himself, despite having the ability to protect himself. Throughout his life, Buddha conducted himself in a dignified manner. Presently, Buddha lives in a permanent residence where he receives all the love and attention he deserves.

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