Unveiling the Captivating Charm and Playful Shenanigans of the Black Redstart’s Exquisite Plumage

There is a small population of black redstarts in the United Kingdom that includes resident breeding birds as well as overwintering birds, passage migrants, and summer breeders. These birds are attracted to cliff ledges, gorges, rocks, and scree environments. They are also commonly found in urban areas, where they like to explore abandoned places, old buildings, and industrial locations.

The adult male black redstart has a distinctive appearance. It has dark grey upperparts with nearly black patterns on its upperwings. It also has a grey hat with a deep black face. The top tail feathers are surrounded by rust red edges. The outer tail, rump, and lower belly are also rust red, which contrasts with the black breast on the underparts. When the wing is closed, the bird’s white patch on the secondary feathers is most noticeable. In terms of size, the black redstart is similar to a robin. It has black legs and a slender, short beak.

The adult females, on the other hand, have black upperwings and brownish cheeks. Their overall color is a dull mouse grey. Juvenile birds resemble females, but they are often darker in color and have scaling on their faces that extends to their bellies. It’s worth noting that the black redstart, scientifically known as Phoenicurus ochruros, has five subspecies, some of which can be found in the UK. Each subspecies has slight variations in plumage, which can make it challenging to identify them.

What is the sound of a Black Redstart’s voice?
The male Black Redstart can be seen singing with a hesitant and melodic warble-like whistle, resembling a playful “drrr-drrr-tawidu” sound. Additionally, he occasionally emits a short and rough cry of “tuc-tuc” or “tsip” as a signal of alarm or aggression.

What does the Black Redstart consume?
The Black Redstart enjoys a menu filled with various invertebrates like earwigs, ants, wasps, bees, grasshoppers, spiders, and worms. Additionally, they find delectable sustenance in flies, various berries, and a wide array of seeds.

Where can you find Black Redstarts?
Currently, they are predominantly found in urban areas, particularly on abandoned industrial sites in the Black Country, Birmingham, and Greater London. In addition, a small number of breeding pairs can be spotted in Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham, and Ipswich. Furthermore, there have been reports of sightings in power plants along the eastern and southern coasts of England. These birds are attracted to open, barren areas with vegetation and debris on rocky terrain, especially if there are nearby buildings, towers, or other towering structures that have been abandoned. Although sightings of these birds are more frequent and occur nationwide during the spring and autumn migrations, the most likely locations to observe them are in the coastal regions of southern and southwestern England.

Indicators to Watch out for
Although adult male black redstarts can be easily distinguished from other adult male redstarts, this is not the case when it comes to juveniles or female counterparts, as they all share similar appearances. However, their sitting position can serve as a simple distinguishing clue in these cases. It should be noted that redstarts are typically forest birds that only migrate to the UK between March and October, whereas black redstarts prefer urban settings such as brownfield sites or industrial areas with limited tree coverage. Adult black redstarts are often spotted and heard perched on abandoned structures and industrial infrastructure, providing a clear view of their nesting areas and feeding grounds.
How do Black Redstarts reproduce?
The black redstart constructs its nest in a cup shape, using loose grass and moss, which is then lined with hair and feathers. These nests can be situated in nooks and crevices within structures or cliff walls, or even on the ground among stone or rock piles. From May to July, the black redstart may produce up to two broods, with each brood consisting of four to six pale blue-green eggs.
What is the lifespan of Black Redstarts?
In general, black redstarts have a lifespan of up to five years, although it is worth mentioning that there has been a record of a ringed bird living for more than eight years.

Risks and conservation
While the global population of black redstart is not deemed endangered, the species is classified under the UK Red List for Birds, suggesting that their numbers are alarmingly low with less than 100 breeding pairs believed to exist in the country.

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